Resources Bank

We have found many resources to help you on your farm safety educational journey. Please check back for updates. If you come across anything you think would be useful of should be included in the bank, contact us directly.

Useful Organisations

Take a Look

There are many organisations located far and wide who have created a wealth of resources and information to assist you and your school on your journey. 


Take a Look

We have loaded many videos relevant to the different themes and topics for the farm safety programmes.  You can select age appropriate video guides.

project ideas 

5th - 6th Class

For the older classes, 5th and 6th we have some great project ideas.
submit resources

We love new ideas

We are always looking out for new resources to invest into our bank.  If you find any or if you create some of your own and would like to share them, you can do so here. 

Farm Safety Day ideas

We have a list of useful ideas to help create a memorable Farm Safety Day experience